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How to run a successful email marketing campaign

Newsletters have gotten a lot of criticism lately, with claims that sending them is like spam and that there are ever more reasons to reject them. But Matas Pocius, Head of Email marketing department at NFQ, talks facts. For return on investment (ROI), he says, the newsletter is recognized as the most effective advertising channel for reaching a target audience. He’ll back up that position at a training session that bzn start is organizing on January 30.

You just need an email and consent

According to Matas Pocius, a newsletter’s main purpose is to maintain ties with contacts you have made. “And it’s precisely long-term relationships with potential users or customers that are or should be every business’s goal. Staying in touch by email may not cost anything or cost relatively little compared to other channels if we use professional newsletter platforms,” the email marketing professional says.  

The only think left then is to ask what’s needed to get started. “Most often, an email address or simply a recipient’s consent to receive news by email. In the upcoming training, I’ll review the most effective ways to collect email addresses and I’ll invite you learn what results you can expect from them,” Pocius says, shedding light on the content of his presentation.

There are rules you have to follow

Once you get a recipient’s consent to receive information by email, you just need to send some news. But here, Pocius notes, essential basic practices are often skipped. “For instance, a welcome letter after a subscription is confirmed is like a handshake that confirms the relationship, explaining to the customer what they’ll get and how often. Even better is a series of messages to “warm them up”, telling them about your service or product. That strengthens the quality of a contact, reduces the number of unsubscribes from newsletters and lengthens the user-interaction lifecycle,” he says.

The email marketing specialist also pledges to cover how to easily improve a newsletter’s statistical results – the number of opens and clicks.

There are many options, just choose wisely

You can get a potential customer’s attention in other ways too, like phone calls and using mass media. Each one offers many possibilities, but also dangers if you use them improperly.

All issues regarding how to effectively reach customers will be addressed by the experts taking part in the training on January 30. In addition to Matas Pocius, knowledge and advice will be shared by Giedrė Rimkūnaitė-Manke, a lawyer and expert at GLIMSTEDT law firm, sales and management trainer Darius Čibonis, and professional coaching specialist Povilas Petrauskas.

Event organizer bzn start, the No. 1 knowledge hub for a growing business, says thanks to its partners and colleagues: GLIMSTEDT law firm, the Technopolis office park where the planned training will be held, Lithuania’s biggest news portal Delfi, and the printing professionals at Spaudos Departamentas.