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For Lithuania’s biggest passenger carrier Kautra, we built the country’s first digital system for selling bus tickets – It gives passengers a comprehensive self-service experience: from route searches and travel planning to ticket purchases and more.

Since the launch in 2009, even today practically all bus tickets in Lithuania go through that system (an average of 200 000 a month), along with the bus routes, prices, and schedules for practically all the buses on the roads in Lithuania.

In 2020 NFQ software engineers also helped Kautra take another step forward: we built the mobile app, which lets travellers buy a tick in just three clicks.

The main goal our team faced, was to make the buying process as simple and fast as possible. An effort was also made to connect the information in the app with the user’s browsing history and habits.

To do that, NFQ’s engineers built the app using React Native technology, which makes it possible to avoid problems when different code is running on different platforms, optimize costs, and ensure speed. Now you can go through the entire buying process in the app practically without reloading the page.

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